Condemned 2 bloodshot ethan thomas shirt
Condemned 2 bloodshot ethan thomas shirt

condemned 2 bloodshot ethan thomas shirt

◊ Ethan is probably the most notable, seeming to completely change ethnicities between the two games, though he's probably also the best-justified (he's been The Alcoholic for nearly a year between the two games).

  • Art-Shifted Sequel: Almost every returning character looks different, sometimes radically so.
  • Actionized Sequel: A bigger emphasis is placed on firearms (including a generally increased quantity of them, an unlockable holster to stow one in, the ability to aim down their sights and reload them from dropped guns or ammo pickups, lockers which have a gun and/or ammo strewn about several levels, and several levels where most, if not all, enemies are armed with them), and the melee system is also enhanced (with the ability to actually use your fists, as well as utilizing combos and chain attacks).
  • Action Commands: Chain combos are featured.
  • condemned 2 bloodshot ethan thomas shirt

    whether you get one, three, or five shots with the Taser, how big an extra segment to your health bar is, what sorts of weapons you can stuff into a holster, etc.) at the end of a level depends on things like how well you did in investigations, whether you completed optional objectives, and how many extra things you did like destroying sonic emitters or tuning in to radio broadcasts, with the best rewards requiring you to do everything.

    #Condemned 2 bloodshot ethan thomas shirt upgrade

  • 100% Completion: The game has per-level versions, where the quality of the upgrade you get (e.g.

  • Condemned 2 bloodshot ethan thomas shirt